Wall art vs Graffiti

What is art and what is graffiti?

The eternal question on wall art is that it is deemed graffiti (by some). Obviously I do not agree with that. Yes, there is graffiti, and there is wall art that I do not like, but wall art per se is not graffiti. For me, the difference between graffiti and mural art is clear by looking at it. If the difference is unclear to you, then I’d recommend to visit some of the murals in progress today, or some created earlier.

My view:

If you see an empty wall with only some (obscene) graffiti tags on the lowest meter and a half of the wall, then that’s what you’ll see; obscene graffiti, not an empty wall

If you see a wall covered in art, may it be to your taste or not, you’ll see art. You may not like the subject (personally, I’m not a fan of Rembrandt’s work) but you cannot compare the craftmanship to the uneducated graffiti tags. Art is what you see.

Once an artistic mural finally gets tagged with new obscenities, the art still rises above it. Yes, the tags are still there but the art determines the view, whereas the tags fade away in your mind. You’ll still see the art.

I got some remarks on FB regarding this so I thought I’d show some examples.

Here’s one:

And here’s another:

Both pieces have been damaged by the aforementioned uneducated taggers. A real shame if you ask me.

In all honesty: what do you see?

Here’s to Los Alcazares council:

Would it be possible to restore the damaged art pieces and guard the ones we already have and the ones that are made today? Good taxmoney was paid to get them there, I’d hope they are appreciated enough to preserve them for the LA population and future tourists. LA council: whaddayasay?

Got some comments on the above:

How can the artwork be guarded from graffiti tags?

My view:
According to experience in Sweden, and perhaps other places as well, graffiti tagging diminishes if it is removed swiftly. Many coulsils have found that after cleaning up tags from city buildings and schools seems to stop new tags being added as they will be removed the next day. ‘What’s the fun in that?’ will the potential tagger think,

In practice:
Out here in LA, counsel could apply a similar strategy:
– Make it easy for citizens to report graffiti
– Remove the graffiti as soon as possible

Thx, Polly and Helen!

Paul, 2024-06

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