Manual – Opening

Upon arrival you’ll find the apartment in sleep mode – everything is dark, closed and cut off, all the water and  most of the electricity are off.

1. Shutters:

First, roll up the shutters in the living room to get some light in. You might as well open the sliding door to the balcony to let some fresh air in.

2. Electrics:

Second, put the electricity back on. Go to the fuse box, it’s located on the wall left around the corner from the front door when you come in:

By pushing UP all switches, the electrics should now work again.


If the fridge now starts beeping: open the fridge door and press the button all the way up in the door opening according to the instructions written there:

…the beeping will stop. Now fully close the fridge doors. Mind you, the fridge and freezer need some time to get cold!

Now everything electrical is sorted.

3. Water:

Time to get the water running. Go through the kitchen to the washing room and turn on the water mains:

This is the mains water tap:

Remember: lefty loosey, so anti clockwise should open it up. Now the water heater, the white barrel in the upper left corner will start making hot water. Check that it is plugged in. Warm water may take a while though…

Observe that there might will be a lot of air in the water system, this can be flushed out by you or, if you don’t do anything, it will disappear by itself.

In order to get rid of the air, open first the cold tap in the washing room until bubbling stops, then do the same with the kitchen tap, followed by the bathroom taps and showers. After this, start again but now with the warm water tap.

Check here for deployment of the Electric vs the Solar boiler.

Now everything is operational. Open other shutters but only open in the rooms you actually intend to use. You can put your suitcase on the bed in the smallest bedroom so it isn’t in the way.

The in and outside thermometer lies on the bar with its batteries out. If you want you can put them in and hang the outside unit on the balcony on the right side of the sliding doors.

Warning: When leaving the house you always need to bring the keys with you. Once closing the front door behind you, it only opens with the key. 

Also, when leaving for a trip, please close the door to the washing room and lock the front door on your way out .

Now you’re all set, the apartment is ready for your stay – enjoy!