As all small villages, Los Alcazares has its local habits and folklore.
First some examples on what might very well be the largest Christmas scene of them all, enjoy!
Local food can be surprising as it turned out when we discovered a restaurant offering Dutch delicatesses on the menu: bitterballen en frikandel anyone?
…2022: Dang they did not survive the big C. Looking out for a substitute!
Nothing folklore here, plain survival when the massive rainwater flows through the streets. The door on the right prevents water ingress quite effectively by temporary masonry, the other by plastic. I do hope both were equally successful.
Here’s a picture of one of the city centre streets from a foreign newspaper:
And some of the results of a recent torrential rain:
On our next visit, a few months later, the beach had been repaired an new sand deposited to fill up what washed away earlier.
Water deferring measures: